
Facebook valued at at $US11.5 billion

Facebook, the world's largest social networking site, was valued at $US11.5 billion a new index created by SharesPost, a marketplace for trading in private companies.

The SharesPost Venture-Backed Index tracks seven companies from Twitter and LinkedIn to Zynga Game Network, Santa Monica, California-based SharesPost said in a release. The March 1 valuation of Facebook is almost double what Russia's Digital Sky Technologies offered to pay for common shares in July.

"We're trying to create a reference point," Greg Brogger, SharesPost's chief executive officer, said in an interview. "There's so little information available in the private-company space. The index gives people an easier way to have a benchmark they can use in conversation about a company's value and then the ability to track changes in the value of these companies."

Source : Bloomberg

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