Three Magic Questions
By Scott Rider
Rules Of Prospecting
Remember, people buy from friends, not strangers.
Remember, these leads are coming to you in “real time”. That’s cyber language, meaning that there is no time lag from the time the prospect fills out the information request form on our website and when you receive the form in your email box.
If you are online and you get a lead sent by email, that’s because that person just filled it out and submitted it over the web just seconds ago. They are still reading the “Thank You” page.
What this means is that you are going to want to pick up the phone and call your prospect IMMEDIATELY.
Why is this so important? Because the degree of responsiveness your prospect shows toward you and your offer is directly related to how quick you call them after they have asked for more information.
This is so important. The sooner you call them, near the time they filled out the form, the better they are going to remember what they read and why they filled out the form. This is why our leads are so much more responsive than most other leads because we give you the ability to call them before they have a memory lapse.
Don’t think you’re going to get a lot of action by emailing them. They have already seen your offer from our teaser ad in their email box. It’s time to take them to the next level. CALL THEM!
This is so important. The sooner you call them, near the time they filled out the form, the better they are going to remember what they read and why they filled out the form. This is why our leads are so much more responsive than most other leads because we give you the ability to call them before they have a memory lapse.
Don’t think you’re going to get a lot of action by emailing them. They have already seen your offer from our teaser ad in their email box. It’s time to take them to the next level. CALL THEM!
What you want to do when you first call your prospect is to say something like,
“Hi, Mr. Prospect, this is (your name) with (your company), how are you today ? Great ! I’m calling you in response to your request for more information about our business. You filled out a form on the web at (state the time that is stamped on the lead).
I’d like to ask you a few questions if I may. By the way, what part of the country do you live in? (make some kind of warm remark about the area they live in just to bridge the gap, or break the ice and get them feeling warm and friendly toward you).
NOTE: Now is when you want to ask them 3 pertinent questions that will eliminate 90% of all the objections and smoke screens they would otherwise come up with later on. Remember, the purpose of these questions is to get your prospect to say, “I’m sick of my current situation and I want more out of life than what I’ve been getting.”
It doesn’t have to be exactly those words but you want to hear from your prospect that they are sick of their J.O.B. (Just Over Broke), and they are looking for something that is going to give them more financial freedom and satisfaction in life.
“What Kind of work are you in?” You’ll want to ask them if they’re working full time or part time and if they like what they’re doing.
“Are you looking for something to replace what you are doing, or just something to supplement your current income?” Your prospect might say, “Well I don’t know yet. I haven’t even heard what it is that you are doing?”
Respond with a chuckle by saying, “Well, don’t get me wrong. I’m not asking for a commitment. What I mean is, if you like what you see and feel there is a match with our business and you, would you want to replace it with what you’re doing now - full time or just do it part time to give you a little more money than you’re making right now?”
“Let me ask you something Mr. Prospect. Can you see yourself 5 years from now, doing what you’re doing right now?”
These questions are meant to get your prospect to tell you in one way or another that they are tired of their current financial situation and want more out of life. It is of UTMOST IMPORTANCE that you get your prospect to tell you this with their own mouth BEFORE you go to the next step. If done properly, you will dispel most of the objections that most people give because you weren’t interested in THEIR NEEDS.
Don’t hesitate to let your prospect know that you are qualifying him or her. Let them know that you are taking them through a series of steps to see if they meet your standards.
I will always let my prospects know that I am part of the fastest growing group in the company and the reason for that is because we have systems & tools that make people successful in the business. Another reason is because we are very selective about who joins our group and we insure that everyone who joins is dead serious about changing their financial condition and are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.
With that said, you simply tell your prospect that you’re going to give them a little bit of information about the business. Then give them a 30 second power hitting presentation that hits on 3 or 4 of the hottest bits of information about your business. Look at the “4 Steps of The Sale” for an example.
After you have asked your prospect if this is something they would like to hear more about (and 99% of them will just say “YES”, if you ask properly) then say this:
“Here’s what I would like you to do (assert control of the conversation). I’m going to give you a phone number with a brief overview of the business. After listening to it, if you like what you hear, then give me a call back and we’ll take you to the next step in the process. Do you have a pen and a piece of paper?”
At this point give them the phone number of the recording you want them to listen to (call your upline for the number of a 3 minute sizzle call or whatever number your company is using.
What you say next is VERY VERY IMPORTANT. You want your prospect to make a commitment that they are going to make that call so you say, “Can you make that call now?”
The purpose of this question is to see how motivated your prospect is. Remember, you are qualifying them at this point. Let the recording make the presentation do you don’t have to. If they tell you that they can’t call right now, then ask them WHEN they are going to make that call. Tell them that you are only looking for a few good people and expect to find them in the next 24 to 48 hours.
When your prospect calls you back, tell them what you would like to do is set up a conference call with yourself, them and a successful leader on your team. Tell them:
“What you’ll be able to do is ask some questions and we’ll want to ask you some questions and we’ll see if there’s a match for both of us. What time would be best for you today (give them a choice between two times during the day that you have arranged with your upline).
After setting up an appointment with your prospect then give them the website address or a Fax On Demand number and tell them to look at the information between now and when you call them. Then say to them,
“Mr. Prospect, I would really appreciate it if something comes up and you won’t be able to make the call that you would call me as soon as you find out. It’s rather difficult to schedule any appointments with (name of the person you are going to 3-way with). In the mean time, take a look at the website and you’ll find that a lot of your questions are answered and you’ll have more questions you can ask when I call you.”
End the call by saying, “Great, I’ll call you at (time you set) later today. Talk to you then.”
These are the steps to turning prospects into members on your team. Follow them and you will see your success ratio going up and up. I have tried a hundred different methods over the years and this works far better than anything else I’ve every tried.
Happy Prospecting !
I hope you find this article helpful as I have in the past years.